Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Brain mapping

Brain mapping is a new technology under development and is said to be very promising in understanding the function of our brain activities. Human brain is a highly sophisticated system that people have studied centuries ago. This myth is can hopefully be solved soon.
However, as this new technology surfaces, there can be many unethical abuse that can harm our society. One of them is the use of it to get the knowledge of other people. For example when such technology is accessed by my colleagues in the company, they can easily read my mind and get the information on my research work without any effort. In such a situation, the research data that I spent much time on can easily be stolen. This is unethical to my intellectual property. Knowledge is one of the most valuable targets to people using such technology. When they get the knowledge or data of my research, they can publish the work or report before I do.
Possible solutions to minimize the abuse of such technology include restricted access and restricted anonymous application. Restriction of access is an important policy to minimise abuse. Not everyone should be granted access to such technology. Facility of brain mapping should be kept with authorised organisations such as government, hospitals or official research organisations. This measure can minimize the chance of unethical abuse. Another measure to minimise unethical abuse is to render the brain mapping device such that there can be no anonymous run. A special can be set in the system and whenever the device is activated, the signal will be sent to the person being scan so that he is aware of the ongoing scanning sequence. In such a way, one can be vigilant if unauthorised scan is initiated.
Brain mapping is a breakthrough in human technology. However, preventive measure must be complete so as to minimise unethical abuse of this powerful tool to harm our society.